1. Go to "Inbox"
![add new quote 1](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-1.png)
2. Select "Jobs"
3. Tap on the request that you want to add new quote
![add new quote 2](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-2.png)
4. Tap on "Your Quote"
![add new quote 3](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-3.png)
5. Select the "+" sign to start adding new quote
![add new quote 4](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-4.png)
6. Tab on "Select item type"
![add new quote 5](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-5.png)
7. There are 6 choices to choose and select one of them
![add new quote 6](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-6.png)
8. Once you choose veterinarian, the unit is fixed as session. Thus you need to set a price for that session only
![add new quote 7](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-7.png)
9. While for Pet Boarding, you need to key in the amount of money and how many days. As the picture below shows 100 x 4 days means 25USD per day.
![add new quote 8](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-8.png)
10. Others is for other service that not listed, you need to key in amount of money, how many and units as well. (e.g. provide dog meals. Thus can be wriiten as USD 12 x 3 meals)
![add new quote 9](https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/add-new-quote-9.png)